Creating value streams from organic waste

We facilitate sustainable infrastructure projects through technology solutions to upcycle organic waste on an industrial scale.

One third of global food produced is wasted

With 10 billion people to feed by 2050 and the rising cost of disposing organic waste, industries and governments need to adopt circular waste economies.

What’s the solution?

Innovative technologies enable upcycling of industrial, municipal and agricultural waste streams to generate valuable food protein outputs. This sustainable transformation turns a costly operational expense into a valuable revenue stream.

Our technology partners

We work in partnership with Buhler Technologies to identify and facilitate upcycling projects.

Our services

Our range of expertise and connections we can lead through all portions of the upcycling transformation journey.

Waste Stream Mapping

We work with local or national governments, businesses and technology providers to map and analyse waste streams to formulate a proposed solution.

Sourcing Investment

Leverage relationships with Investor Groups to gain Capex funding for upcycling projects.

Stakeholder Management

We serve as a central point of communication and expertise to lead the transformation process and maximise outcomes for all stakeholders.

Identifying Off Take Markets

Upcycling protein outputs have a range of applications across industries. We identify and facilitate supplying outputs to maximise return from waste streams.

Want to learn more?

We are always happy to discuss waste and upcycling projects.